3. Critical Writing & Grammar (G5-6)

20. Critical Writing & GrammarCritical Writing & Grammar is for students who have completed “Kids Book Writing” class and want to continue to improve their writing skills. The class curriculum is developed by Jessie Chen, the CEO of Taipei Debate Academy and Asian Debate League. She is a published author with a Cum Laude in English Literature, Summa Cum Laude in Masters in Teaching English, and a former college instructional aid and a high school English teacher. Jessie as the most competent and innovative English teacher in the United States is documented as she holds the record highest score on PRAXIS Exam.

The class is designed to enhance critical writing skills of your child by: 1) reading grade level U.S. exam literature; 2) memorizing vocabularies; 3) applying what they have read through writing; and 4) learning conventional grammar.

Learning Objectives: 

  1. Learn to read the grade level exam literature critically.
  2. Learn the exam literature background info and vocabularies.
  3. Learn adjectives/or other grade level vocabularies to enhance comprehension.
  4. Learn conventional grammar.
  5. Learn writing techniques.
Class Details:
  • Age Appropriateness:  5th grade and up
  • Class Duration & Frequency: 2 hours, once a week
  • Payment Policy: Pay in advance and no refund